Can Porn Induce Erectile Dysfunction?

Can Porn Induce Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or maintain a full erection during normal sexual activity. It can occur sporadically, or it may be a long-term or even permanent issue.
ED can affect men for many reasons, including physical and psychological causes such as performance anxiety, depression, or poor physical health. But what about from watching pornography?
Here’s what the research shows.

Porn and sexual anorexia
While ED mostly affects older men, a study conducted in Italy found that an increase in internet pornography viewing among teenage boys can cause “sexual anorexia,” or a pathological loss of appetite for romantic-sexual interactions. The notion that watching too much porn causes ED has since spread like wildfire.

But not all experts think so.

“Our study, and now two others, have found there is no relationship between the amount of sex films men view and erectile functioning with their partner,” says Nicole Prause, PhD, a sexual psychophysiologist and licensed psychologist at the Sexual Psychophysiology and Affective Neuroscience Laboratory. Her research with Jim Pfaus, PhD, IF, was published in Sexual Medicine and was the first peer-reviewed study of this topic.

“In one case, the study found stronger sexual arousal in men who reported viewing more sex films at home,” she adds.

Only those men who were conservative and in relationships had any relationship between sex film viewing and erectile functioning.

“Taken together, this means that sex films do not contribute to erectile dysfunction,” Prause notes. “However, those whose personal values contradict with viewing sex films may be experiencing general shame around sex that also influences their erectile functioning.”


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